Inclement Weather Policy

Mass: Mass in Church will not be cancelled for weather emergencies. We will celebrate Mass with whatever ministers and people attend. However, no one should put themselves or their family at risk to fulfill a ministerial assignment or to attend Mass. When travel is not safe, all are excused from the obligation to attend Mass.

Events and gatherings at Our Lady of the Lake Parish will follow the morning snow closure and bad weather directions of the Lake Oswego School District. When the Lake Oswego schools are closed, all gatherings will be canceled. This includes our School, Parish Office, Faith Formation, Sacramental Preparation, Bible Study, and Youth Ministry.

If there is a sudden change in the weather during the day, or there is a gathering that meets on a weekend, the pastoral staff or ministry leader of the respective gathering will make the decision just as soon as possible to ensure safe travels. If you are unsure if a gathering is canceled or not, please call the office (503-636-7687) for closure information.