Building Our Future: A Sacred Presence

Help Write the Next Chapter of Our Story

A Message from Fr. John

"It is an exciting time at Our Lady of the Lake Parish. We are growing. Over 100 children each week participate in the Children’s Liturgy of the Word during Sunday morning Masses. Our outreach to those in need and activities for spiritual growth are in full swing. We are truly the Body of Christ, doing His good work: Loving God, loving others and making disciples of Jesus Christ.


Please respond in some way with pledges of time, talent, and/or treasure. For the sake of future generations, this request is not about equal gift amounts, but equal sacrifice. Please consider a three-year pledge. This allows families to maximize their commitment by spreading it out
over monthly, quarterly, or annual payments.


Consider this as an act of faith. Please pray, asking how God is calling you to participate."


- Rev. John Kerns, Pastor

The Campaign Goal is $10M



As of March 25, we are at $8,783,969, this is 87% of our goal!


Current number of families who have submitted pledges: 396


Funds raised from this campaign will go directly to support all development costs and contingency funds.




New Foyer + Entrance
Refreshed Sanctuary
Updated Cemetery
New Space for Adoration
Renovated Kitchen + Parish Hall
New Foyer + Entrance

The doors of Our Lady of the Lake are open to all — but difficult to find


We want to give our church an inviting entrance where all feel welcome and where we have space to greet one another before and after Mass. We will:


• Build a new entrance facing the parking lot and the parish center that is well-lit and welcoming.

• This will include an added foyer to handle the flow of people up to the church and into the hall.

• Add a wider stairwell and central elevator so that all who arrive can enter the narthex together.

• The new stairs will be visible from our parking area, thus encouraging people to come in and move up to our worship space.

• Create an environmentally friendly green roof with skylights over the new vestibule.

Refreshed Sanctuary
Updated Cemetery
New Space for Adoration
Renovated Kitchen + Parish Hall
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Your contribution will make a difference for these ministries and more:


  • Mercy Teams Outreach
  • St. Vincent de Paul Council Activities
  • Funeral Luncheon Ministry
  • Knights of Columbus Charitable Activities
  • Adult Faith Formation
  • Men’s Groups, Women’s Groups, Mom’s Group
  • Family Faith Formation
  • Youth Ministry
  • Sacramental Preparation
  • Respect Life Advocacy
  • Pastoral Care
  • OLL School
  • Recovery Groups


“Give and gifts will be given to you;

a good measure, packed together, shaken down,

and overflowing, will be poured into your lap.

For the measure with which you measure will

in return be measured out to you.” 

~Luke 6:38                                                                   


Frequently Asked Questions


How long will this take and where will we have Masses while construction is underway?
Can we do this in phases? $10M sounds expensive.
Why do we need an adoration chapel? Don’t we offer adoration in the sanctuary now?
I serve in the funeral ministry, where will we be able to provide this ministry to families while construction is underway?
I’d love to honor my family member or a Saint dear to my family as I make my gift. What naming opportunities will there be?
My children attend OLL School, how will this project benefit the work of the school?

Please make your pledge here:


All pledges to the Capital Campaign will be used exclusively for this parish improvement project.


Thank you for helping to make our parish a more beautiful space!


If you'd like to stayed informed about our Building Our Future campaign, please follow us on facebook, instagram, youtube, or sign up to receive email updates.