Child & Family Faith Formation

At Our Lady of the Lake, we love our children! The goal of Child & Family Faith Formation is to offer activities and programs that grow the faith of our children (infant-6th grade). Our programs help encourage children to make Jesus the center of their lives. These programs include Life Kids, Children's Liturgy of the Word, Nursery, and Vacation Bible School. We also provide family-based programming and events throughout the year.

Family Events

VBS 2025

Mark your calendars for June 23-27, 2025!

9am - 12pm each day

Participants: Pre-K 4 years old - 5th graders

Counselors: entering 6th grade and up


Registration opens April 11, 2025.


Passport to Peace invites children to see every person as part of God’s family, and every interaction as an opportunity for peacemaking.

Learn More

Sunday Faith Programs:

Life Kids
Children's Faith Formation


Life Kids is our in-person children's faith formation program offered from September to May for children ages 3 1/2 years and potty-trained through 6th Grade. There are also family social events throughout the year, open to all families (see blue graphic above). Life Kids 2024-2025 begins on September 15 (Parent meeting on Sept. 8). Please read the Life Kids Guidelines prior to registering.




The Nursery is open to children ages 6 months to 3 years on Sundays from 8:45am to 12:15pm. Our loving Nursery staff lead toddlers in Christian songs, Bible stories, crafts, and prayer. Come visit us in the OLL School Building. No registration required.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word


Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a year-round faith formation program offered during the 9am and 11:15am Masses. Before the First Reading, young children are invited to gather at the front of the church for a blessing and are then led downstairs for their lesson. During this 20 minute program, they hear Scripture explained in ways that they can grasp. Their learning continues through songs, crafts, and games. After the Prayers of the Faithful, catechists guide them back to the Mass to rejoin their families.


If you would like to volunteer, please email Melissa Hanifan at

More Opportunities

Safe Environment Training for Volunteers

We love our volunteers!  You make our programs possible; thank you for your service. 

Current Volunteers:  To maintain your status as an "active" volunteer at OLL parish, you MUST take either the Social Media Safety OR Preventing Bullying course online before November 30, 2024.


Click here to access the training portal.


New Volunteers:  If you are not yet CASE trained, please sign up here for a class.  All classes are 90 min long and must be completed in person. 

More about CASE: When it comes to working with minors, the Archdiocese of Portland has training requirements in place for the protection of our children, including Creating a Safe Environment (CASE) training, and a background check. Once the initial training is complete, an online refresher course is required each year to maintain active status. For more information, you may email or visit the Archdiocese of Portland website.

VBS 2024 Recap

What a Blast!  Thanks for joining us at Vacation Bible School this summer where campers learned to Shine Jesus' Light throughout the world!  Visit our Gallery page to enjoy images and videos from our weeklong camp.


Questions? Interested in Volunteering?


Contact our Co-Coordinators of

Child & Family Faith Formation


Krista Bryant

Krista heads up our Nursery and Life Kids programs.


Melissa Hanifan

Melissa leads our First Sacraments and Children's Liturgy of the Word programs.


Additional Resources for Faith in the Home

We believe that faith begins in the home. Families are encouraged to eat, pray, and share their faith together. For parents interested in creating or improving their family-based faith practices, below are two additional resources aimed at nurturing faith in your family and establishing the tradition of reading the Bible with your children.


Family Resources