Lent 2025

Pilgrims of Hope

The 2025 Jubilee theme is “Pilgrims of Hope.” As His Holiness Pope Francis so beautifully expressed it:


“We must fan the flame of hope that has been given us and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and far-sighted vision.” 

Lenten Liturgy Schedule

Mass and Distribution of Ashes
6:30am, 8:30am* (School Mass),
12:00pm*, and 6:00pm* (ASL)


March 9, 16, 23, 30, April 6 & 13
Saturday Vigil  5:00pm*
Sunday  7:30, 9:00* (ASL) & 11:15am*



Solemnity of the Annunciation
Masses 8:30am & 6:00pm


Monday - Saturday  8:30am*
Tuesday  6:00pm*
Wednesday & Thursday  6:30am



Saturday 9:15-10:30am
or by appointment.

Thursday, April 10 at 7:00pm

Fridays at 6:00pm*
March 7, 14, 21, 28, April 4, 11
Good Friday, April 18 at 1:00pm* 
Scroll down for more details.


First Fridays, March 7 & April 4
9:30am to 5:00pm (Stations start at 6pm)


Hallow App

Join us this Lent for Pray40: The Way as we meditate on the writings of St. Josemaría Escrivá, author of the spiritual classic The Way. OLL is offering all parishioners a 9-month premium subscription to Hallow for just $1! (Offer valid through 9/25/25.) We encourage everyone to get the premium subscription to access the robust library of content Hallow has to offer. Visit our Hallow page for instructions. If you have any questions, contact parishsupport@hallow.app.

Little Black Book

Reflect on Christ’s life based on the Passion narrative in the Gospel of John. The “Little Black Book,” produced by the Diocese of Saginaw, contains short meditations on the Sunday Gospels of Lent. Reflections run from March 2 through April 20. There will be 500 copies available in the church narthex on March 1 & 2. Find e-books and audiobooks here

Jubilee Passports

A great practice to include in your Lenten “pilgrimage”—Jubilee Passports (available in the Narthex) are a fun and tangible way to track your journey through the Jubilee Year. Instructions and suggestions are included inside. Bring your passports with you each week and get them stamped in the Narthex. Find more information on our Jubilee webpage

Friday Stations

Soup Supper & Speaker Series


Stations of the Cross at 6:00pm in the church.
Soup Supper and Speaker following around 6:45, concluding at 7:30pm.

Our speakers will offer personal testimony on the theme "Pilgrims of Hope."

Pilgrimage in Prayer
Guest Speaker: Jonathan Campbell

(OLL's Parish Rep from Hallow)
Stations led by the Pastoral Council

Our Pilgrimage to Poland: Returning & Remembering
Speakers: Tom and Kimi Tomaszek
Stations led by the ACTS Core Team

Jubilee Passports & Hallow App
Speakers: Parishioner Sharing
Stations led by the Sacred Heart Cemetery Committee

Our Louisiana Aid Trip with Samaritan's Purse
Speakers: Daniel, Alejandro, and the Grant Construction Team
Stations led by Catholic Deaf Community

Stations Around the World: Be a Pilgram, Not a Tourist
Speakers: Mike and Gretchen McCallum
Stations led by OCIA and First Sacraments Participants

Walking the Camino Together: Blessings Found on the Way

Speakers: Julia Arndorfer, Colleen Gardner, and Jennifer McCarthy

Stations led by the Knights of Columbus


Holy Week Schedule


April 13 • Palm Sunday
Mass and Distribution of Palms
Saturday Vigil at 5:00pm
Sunday at 7:30, 9:00* & 11:15am*


April 17 • Holy Thursday
Morning Prayer at 8:30am*
Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:00pm* (ASL)


April 18 • Good Friday
Morning Prayer at 8:30am*
Stations of the Cross at 1:00pm*
Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion
at 7:00pm* (ASL)


April 19 • Holy Saturday
Morning Prayer at 8:30am*
Blessing of Easter Foods at 3:00pm
Easter Vigil at 8:30pm*


April 20 • Easter Sunday
Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord
7:00, 9:00* & 11:15am*



Masses at 9:00 and 11:15am will be
simultaneously celebrated live in the
Church and in the School Gym.




Sack Lunch Meals of Mercy


Mercy Teams collects and donates sack lunches to various mission organizations in the Portland‑Metro area on a weekly basis.


Ways to volunteer:
• Help collect and organize the donated sack lunches to one of the missions.
• Deliver sack lunches on Sunday or Monday mornings to the various missions.
• Assemble and donate sack lunches. Sack lunches include: 16 oz. bottle of water, granola bar, fruit/apple sauce cup, bag of chips, plastic spoon & napkin. Deliver to the Parish Hall twice a month on Sunday.
• Volunteer in person at a monthly ministry to the unsheltered.


Visit the Mercy Teams page for more information and to sign up to serve.

Rice Bowls - CRS Lent Program


Support Catholic Relief Services and put your faith into action by giving alms to support the efforts of CRS in alleviating poverty and hunger.


Visit CRS Rice Bowl for more information.

40 Cans for Lent


Most wanted food items: canned tuna & chicken, peanut butter & jam/jelly (plastic containers), macaroni & cheese, canned soup, canned vegetables & fruits, instant potatoes.


Donate: Place all items in the St. Vincent de Paul barrels located upstairs outside of the church in the Narthex or downstairs outside of the Parish Hall near the elevator. All donated food benefits the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry.


Visit our SVDP page for more information on our St. Vincent de Paul group.

Other Lenten Resources

FORMED: Your source for great Catholic content. If you're new to Formed, visit Formed.org and enter zip code: 97034.


Formed is excited to present curated content to help the Church journey through this Lenten season. In this collection are resources to help the faithful deepen their understanding of various Lenten days, practices, and devotions. You can find resources on prayer, the mystery of Christ's Passion, the roots of Holy Week found in Judaism, and many things to help guide the faithful through the holiest days in our liturgical year—the Triduum. We pray that all of these resources draw us deeper into the mystery of Lent, Holy Week, and the Triduum as we look forward to the joy of the Resurrection.

Hallow App: The Hallow app has daily Lenten prayer reflections and dozens of other prayer options. A highly-rated prayer app. Join under our parish subscription to enjoy premium content for only $1. See details here: Hallow


Lent Pray40: The Way

Join Jonathan Roumie, Fr. Mike Schmitz, Sr. Miriam, Mark Wahlberg, Chris Pratt, Cardinal Sarah and many more as we draw closer to Jesus, who is "the way, the truth, and the life." This Lent, embark on a spiritual journey with the writings of St. Josemaría Escrivá, author of the modern spiritual classic, "The Way." We'll meditate on the lives of those who follow Christ's Way, including the life of Servant of God Takashi Nagai. 


The Little Way for Kids:

This Lent, join Mia and Paul Buckley as they journey through France on a Lenten adventure! Paul is seeking to learn more about evangelization, and Mia will learn how to live out gratitude daily. In this challenge, you and your family will learn about different vocations, dive into saint stories Saints’ Alive style, pray, hear homilies, and more!


We encourage you to use this pre-recorded Way of the Cross video throughout Lent as a way to pray and meditate on the Scriptures.

Easter Environment Offerings

We invite you to make an offering in honor of your loved ones during the Easter season to benefit the environment of the Church. If you wish to participate, a gift may be made in any dollar amount 

  • electronically through online giving.
  • by check, mail to parish office or place in the offertory drop slot in the Narthex

When you make your donation, you are invited to make it “in memory of” or “in thanksgiving for” and include this in the online giving “memo” or writing it on the Easter offertory envelope which can be found in the Church Narthex. Please write clearly your intentions on the envelope. These names will be displayed in the bulletin the Sunday after Easter.

Your remembrance gifts at Easter make it possible for us to enhance the beauty of the Church at this most sacred time of year when we celebrate Christ’s resurrection. The cut-off date is Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter. Thank you for supporting the adornment of the Church.