Mass & Confession Times

Masses are also livestreamed on our Homily and Media page.

Sunday Mass Schedule


Saturday Vigil - 5:00pm


Sunday - 7:30am, 9:00am (ASL Interpreted), & 11:15am


Children's Liturgy of the Word occurs during the 9 and 11:15am Mass. Children are gathered after the opening prayer, and return to their families during the offertory. Children ages 4-9 are welcome.


Nursery is open for 9am Mass and through the end of the 11:15am Mass (9am-12:30pm) for ages 6 months - 3 years. No sign up required, but space is limited. Contact Krista Bryant at for more information.

Weekday Mass Schedule


Monday - 8:30am

Tuesday - 8:30am & 6:00pm

Wednesday - 6:30am & 8:30am

Thursday - 6:30am & 8:30am

Friday - 8:30am

Saturday - 8:30am



Saturday 9:15am - 10:30am in the church

Also available by appointment.



Holy Days of Obligation:


Schedule Subject to Change

Holy Day Masses are held at 8:30am, 12pm, and 6pm


Eucharistic Adoration


First Fridays, 9:30 AM to 7:00 PM

(Holy Hour & Benediction 6-7pm)


             *Time subject to change. Refer to bulletin.

Church Open Hours

for Quiet Prayer:


Monday-Friday 9:30am-4:30pm



Hearing Assistance Available

Our parish provides a hearing device and a hearing assist system to amplify sound at Mass. For instructions, please click the button on the below. To use our device, please ask an usher at Mass.

Our Location


Church address:

790 A Avenue

Lake Oswego, OR 97034


OLL Parish Center and mailing address (Includes School & Parish Office):

650 A Avenue

Lake Oswego, OR 97034