Mercy Teams
Parishioners, their families, and friends, reaching out in
service to others through
Small Acts of Mercy and Kindness
Now in our eighth year, Mercy Teams has distributed over 370,000 meals, thousands of new socks, hygiene kits, winter gloves, and blankets. Your help as a volunteer, a sack lunch provider, or a financial donor allows our ministry to operate every week, for Meals of Mercy, and every 4th Saturday for Street Ministry.
Please consider adding Mercy Teams to your Jubilee 2025 PILGRIMS of HOPE "PASSPORT."
Here are the ways that Mercy Teams serves our most vulnerable brothers and sisters in the Portland area, and ways you can get involved:
See here for our Family, Youth, and Adult Lenten Service Opportunities
Our biggest opportunity is collecting enough sack lunches to support our 1,200 sack lunch Meals of Mercy distribution every week. Sack lunch donations are needed the most.
Help us maintain our ability to distribute sack lunches to twelve missions, churches, and organizations, every week.
Help feed our vulnerable, hungry, and food insecure population in the Portland Metro.
Help be the Bread of Life to those we serve through our Sack Lunch Meals of Mercy outreach.
Sack Lunch & Sandwich Instructions:
To assemble sack lunches without sandwiches, please provide:
Paper lunch sack, apple sauce cup, granola bar, bag of chips, 16 oz. bottle of water, or 8oz Juice Drink pouch or pack, plastic spoon, and napkin.
To make PB&J sandwiches:
PB&J sandwiches – Place Peanut Butter on both slices of bread, then add jelly or jam (keeps bread from getting soggy). Individually wrap each sandwich in sandwich bag, place sandwiches back into the original bread wrapper and seal.
Sign up to donate here:
Sack Lunch, Sandwich, and used winter clothing Drive-Through Drop-Off outside our parish school two Sundays a month between 8:15 & 11:15am. Sign-up links for the second half of the year will be added a month at a time as the old month expires.
Join us every 4th Saturday of the month at 7:15am in the Parish Hall
We meet to prepare a hot breakfast, assemble supplies, and then head to our primary stop: “under the bridge” in Oregon City, where we serve between 30 to 60 unsheltered and vulnerable guests. Now in our 8th year, we have served over 5,000 hot breakfasts, 16,800 sack lunches, and handed out 10,000 pairs of new socks, gloves and blankets during our 4th Saturday Street Ministry and City Teams Drop-offs.
Sign up to volunteer here:
Mercy Teams also works with our OLL School, LO Jr. High and four area high schools to help develop service projects for youth. We work closely with the NCL (National Charity League) and NLYM (National League of Young Men) organizations. This could include projects inside the missions we serve, or projects done at home to ultimately serve our unsheltered guests. Many youth organizations have served through Mercy Teams, and hundreds upon hundreds of youth have found a path to service through our Small Acts of Mercy and Kindness.
With donations made directly to Mercy Teams, we purchase family meals made up by Costco to serve a family of six. These meals are delivered three times a year, Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas to organizations that give them directly to “food insecure families.”
Please drop off used winter coats, jackets, winter pants or jeans, sweatshirts, blankets, and sleeping bags.
All used items donated must be suitable for someone living unsheltered, (no dress clothing), must be clean, and run through the washing machine.
Clothing donations can be dropped off in the Mercy Teams area in the parish hall, in a bin in the parish hall vestibule, or during any Sack Lunch Drop-Off.
How can you help our Adopt a Mission Teams?
Donate sack lunches, or sandwiches, or both, that we will then distribute to the Adopt a Mission teams.
You can join an existing Adopt a Mission Team by pledging support directly to that team. Click the links below to sign up.
Click here to sign up to receive a weekly Mercy Teams email update.
Contact Michael Backus at 503 708 9503 or email:
Help one another. That is what Jesus teaches us. That is what I do. And I do it with my heart.
- Pope Francis
St Vincent de Paul
Members of St Vincent de Paul collect food donations and work person-to-person to serve those in need within our community. Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month from 4:00-5:00pm in the Parish Center. You are welcome to join us!
Opportunities to Contribute:
Food Donations
Canned food is always welcome. Please drop your donations in the barrels located at the entrances of the church and Parish Hall.
St. Anthony's Community Cafe Sunday Dinner
Every nine weeks, join a team of OLL parishioners to prepare and serve dinner at St. Anthony's in Tigard to 100 individuals experiencing poverty and homelessness.
Vehicle Donation
If you have an unwanted vehicle, consider donating your car to the Portland Council of SVdP car donation program. Please click flyer for details.
If you need rent, utility, or food assistance,
Please call the Portland Council office hotline at 503-235-8431
Respect Life Ministry
The Respect Life Ministry promotes life and stands up for those who are most vulnerable in the world. Our parish works with other ministries and organizations to evangelize, advocate, pray and promote activities that foster a culture of life. This includes addressing issues involving abortion, assisted suicide, euthanasia, capital punishment, human trafficking, and embryonic stem cell research. You are welcome to attend our monthly meetings.
Get Involved
Contact Sharon, Respect Life Coordinator, through the Parish Office at 503 636-7687
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is a global Catholic fraternal service order. Membership embodies the principles of Christianity and the presence of God, which enriches the strong bond between the men of the Knights.
The Knights at OLL are involved in numerous church and community events, including monthly breakfasts after Mass, special fundraising dinners, assistance at Christmas Mass, service to specific parishioners, etc.
Helpful Links
Contact: Gary Hanifan 503-819-0964 or
Outreach Fund
The Parish Outreach Fund is used for charitable outreach projects, grants to local charities, and emergency requests that support our parish mission, the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, and work for justice, peace and charity. Priority is given to requests that reflect the corporal works of mercy and where parishioners are actively involved. Monies for this fund come from 3% parish’s general collection.
Application for Funding
Agencies requesting help are to complete the online application below. Our Outreach Fund Committee reviews every application at its quarterly meetings. Exceptions will be funds allocated at the discretion of the pastor and when the need arises for a response to natural disaster or other emergency.
Contact: Ann Geller at
Other Ministries Supported by OLL
Assists poor and vulnerable Oregonians each year by helping them be self-sufficient, regain dignity, and have a better life.
Advances the rights and inclusion of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This occurs through leadership, engagement, and community-building, so people with disabilities can thrive.
Lake Oswego Transitional Shelter
Is a consortium of six churches which operate two apartments for homeless families. The shelter provides temporary housing while people become independent.
Is a Roman Catholic parish in Old Town whose mission is to provide hope and healing to the most marginalized members of society.
Refugee Resettlement Ministry
Welcomes refugees by offering guidance, assistance, compassion, and support toward their self-sufficiency.
Serves Christ by helping the most vulnerable in Africa with prayer, encouragement, and financial support.
Contact: Parish Office at 503-636-7687 or